Register/Pay for Agility Classes (scroll to see all)

Register/Pay for Obedience, Advanced Obedience Classes (scroll to see all)
PUPPY & ADULT MANNERS:  1 hour per week for 6 consecutive weeks

Fear Free Puppy Manners 
Pups 9-19 weeks old. Instructed by a Certified Fear Free Trainer. Puppies learn Fear Free methods of handling and training to minimize fear, anxiety, and stress when visiting veterinarians, groomers and during homecare. Start your puppy off right! Pups must have at least one round of core vaccines and a negative fecal test to attend.

Puppy Adolescent Manners
Pups 5 months to 12 months of age with no formal training.  Also graduates of Fear Free Puppy Manners.  Start your older puppy off with skills to combat canine teenage challenges including self-control and focus.  Learn basic obedience skills and work on problem behaviors.

Adult Manners
Dogs over 1 year of age with no formal training.  Basic skills such as self-control, attention, loose-leash walking, sit/stay, down/stay and recall. 

Beginning Obedience
Graduates of Puppy Manners, Puppy Adolescent Manners or Adult Manners will be introduced to more complex behaviors that build upon prior learning.

Intermediate Obedience
Graduates of Beginning Obedience.  Become a Canine Good Citizen! Polish skills and build confidence for better behavior at home and in public.  The CGC test ll be given the last day of class.

Advanced Obedience
Graduates of Intermediate Obedience.  Learn more advanced behaviors.

Community Canine
Graduates of Intermediate Obedience or Advanced Obedience.. Learn skills to pass the AKC Community Canine. Polish skills and build confidence for better behavior at home and in public. Some classes will be outdoors or in a nearby public place.

PERFORMANCE OBEDIENCE:  1 hour/week for 6 consecutive weeks

Novice/Open /Utility 
Learn and perfect more advanced skills needed for AKC, CKC, UKC novice/open and/or utility. Whether your goal is competing or just for fun this class will provide upper-level instruction. Advanced heeling skills, attention work as well as footwork, handling skills and rally techniques as they relate to obedience. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

Rally/Intro to Rally
Rally is a sport in which handler & dog teams navigate a course of stations, each requiring a specific skill. Unlimited communication between dog and handler is allowed, and the emphasis is upon FUN! Dogs must have Instructor permission and have reliable sit, down, and loose-leash walking.

Rally FunGility
Interested in learning rally and agility skills while practicing basic obedience? Join this new class that introduces the use of Rally stations for a variety of skills. Prerequisite: Beginning Obedience or Instructor Permission

Experiences include, but are not limited to:
*Sit, down, walk on loose leash
*Turns, circles, loops
*Serpentines, figure-eights
*Tunnels, jumps, table

Advanced Rally
Dogs must have Instructor permission and have attended Intro to Rally class.  Learn Intermediate and Advanced skills including off-lease work and jumping.

AKC Fit Dog Level 1
Our focus during the AKC Fit Dog Level 1 course will be to keep our sessions fun, short, and safe. When starting a fitness program with our dogs, we want to make sure that our dogs are engaged and enjoying the sessions. Have fun with your dog by incorporating play into your sessions. Our dogs will be acquiring new skills, using muscles they haven’t before, and moving in new ways.

Dog Manners for Senior Handlers
Have a dog that needs some basic obedience skills? Are you 65 or over and need special accommodations such as a chair to work from? This 45-minute class will help you to achieve your training goals.  This class will help you and your dog learn basic manners. You must be able to control your dog on leash.  

Rodeo Dog 1 and 2
Join us in this fun new sport! Dogs can work on leash or off (dependent upon Instructor approval) and learn the canine equivalent of barrel racing. There are different patterns (straight line, clover etc) that will be taught.

This is a great way to work on conditioning your dog and improving communication.

Intro to Scent Work
This class will introduce handler and dog teams to the sport of nose work and scent work. Let your dog be a dog and follow his nose!  Dogs should have basic obedience skills.

This new AKC sport teaches your dog to retrieve a bumper or toy from a distance, while ignoring distractions.  Lots of fun and activity for you and your dog.

Novice/Intermediate Tricks Training
Join us and learn three tricks a week! A fun and unique way to work with your dog. Those who are interested can be assessed the last week for the AKC Novice & Intermediate Trick Dog titles.

Composed Canine
If your dog is overly stimulated by the presence of other dogs, Composed Canine may be the right class for you. This 4-student class will teach skills for dealing with overly excited dogs in a group setting. Students must be able to control their pet on leash and dogs cannot have a human bite history.  Limited spaces available.

Fill out this Composed Canine Application prior to registration for the Composed Canine Class- you must be approved for the class. We will need 5-7 business days to review and approve your application.

AGILITY: Most classes meet for 1 hour/week for 6 weeks

Intro to Agility
Dogs must be 9 months of age or older and be able to sit/down, stay and recall off-leash with other dogs nearby. Learn flatwork and low-level equipment. Most students stay at this level for 2-6 sessions.  Prerequisite: Evaluation & Instructor Permission.

Beginning Agility
Build strong foundation skills including safe and reliable contact performance (2 on, 2 off and running), weaves (2x2 method), turning and side changes (FC, RC, BC), correct cues, sequence recognition and basic handling using mini courses. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission

Intermediate Agility
Practice flatwork, crosses and sequences on full-height AKC regulation obstacles. Run increasingly complicated sequences. Analyze courses for competition or fun. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission

Advanced Agility 
We will continue to work on contact and jumping skills via specific drills. Introduction to distance work and refinement of cues while on the move. Analyze & practice increasingly complicated sequences for competition or just for fun. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission 

Excellent/Masters Agility
Prerequisite -Instructor Permission. Email to be evaluated.

THERAPY DOG - Bright & Beautiful OR Therapy Dogs Intl.

Therapy Dog Workshop
We will review and define expectations for working as a therapy team. Dogs should already have the obedience skills needed for therapy dog work. Prerequisite - completion of our Community Canine Certification or equivalent level of training.  The Class and test is for one person and dog team only.

​Therapy Dog Certification
We will administer a Therapy Dog Test to dogs 1 year of age and above. Registration required.
Register/Pay for Therapy Dog Classes & Test

Training Center
Register/Pay for Specialty Seminars & Classes (scroll to see all)